Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Being Flexible

Last time, I said I was going to spend yesterday with Lenora, and today working on my writing.

Well, yesterday I spent sleeping (and finally feel caught up!), and today Lenora said she's going to stay home- but she's still debating that with herself.

Which means I'm a bit out of luck for writing, if she does.

Personally, I'm quite happy if she stays home. We haven't spent much time together lately. I've gone over my job some, but not much. I work from Friday to Monday now, with Tuesday-Thursday off. What does that mean for my marriage? Not much, except I don't get to see my wife as often as I'd like. She has to take days off in the middle of the week in order to spend real time with me, and while I love it, I'm also not happy about it. Her job is one of those where if she's not there, she comes back to yesterday's pile, as well as today's pile. I'm extremely happy that my job isn't like that anymore. I just have to deal with things right this very moment, and then it's done. I don't even have a desk- just a space I occupy for my shift. It's great.

What else is great is the fact that I have a plan. Implementation starts today. Once successful, it frees up my checkbook so that I can actually see some of the money I'm "making."

It'll also allow me to hire another artist for a project I've had in my head for years.

I saw this artist on DW, and he's perfect for the needs of the story. He does both pencils and inks, with very clean lines and clear storytelling ability. If he accepts my generous offer, I suspect great things from us.

We'll see what happens.

It's almost 5:30 am. Lenora is going to be up in a little bit. We made an agreement to pick weeds at first light. (It's HOT here, and we want to do it while it's cool.) It shouldn't take too long- not even an hour, if we're lucky.

So, I'm off to pick weeds, look for an address or call my ex-wife, and get some court papers notarized and put them in the mail.

Then I'm going to watch a movie with my wife while we put away laundry.

And then nap, because I have some overtime today.

That's my plan. What are YOU doing?


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