Friday, June 13, 2008

Page Two!!

I go to work yesterday, and narrowly make it. I mean narrowly. For my job, you HAVE to be in the briefing room by the appointed time of your shift, to the SECOND, or you're late. Let me clarify with an example: my shift starts at 12:45pm. If I'm in the briefing room at 12:44, I'm good. If I'm in the briefing room at 12:45:01, then I'm late, and will be written up. Yes, it's that serious. How much time did I have to spare? A whole 15 seconds. Yeah.

So I'm at work, and during regular hours, we're not allowed to bring out our laptops or anything like that. Not until after six pm. However, I have a pda as my phone (a Blackjack, and it works great! however, I'm going to trade it for a 16gb iphone. it just makes better sense...), so I checked my e-mail a few hours after I got in.

And what do I find? I find the second page from Bruno, and it's BEAUTIFUL! I sent it to Ken for his approval, but really, I'm loving it. Bruno's a madman! You'll see when I eventually put up a page. I'll show the depths of his madness. He's a bit expensive, but I'm never letting him go. Ever. These pages kick so much ass that I'm using them as screen savers when they come in. Hmm. That's an idea, actually. To use all of the pages I have as screen savers, for all of the comics I've produced. Yep. I'll work on that later.

I spoke to the property manager for the new house, and we'll have the keys to the place in about thirty minutes. Well, Lenora will. I'm half tempted to load some boxes into the car, go get the keys, and then take them over to the house, but I can wait until this evening. It's Friday (HULK DAY!!!!), and Lenora's off tomorrow. Besides, I don't have to be in to work tomorrow until 12:45, so I'll be good. I'll pick her up tonight, or meet her at the house, and we'll go through it together. There are some friends of hers that will help her move some boxes with their truck over the weekend, which means less for us to move on Monday when we get the truck. Why Monday? Because that's my next day off, and while I appreciate any help that comes my way, I still need to move my stuff myself, you know? So that's where that's coming from.

And the Hulk came out today. I'll probably go see it on Tuesday. I want to help the box office, but at the same time, there's stuff I need to do, like move. What will probably happen is this: go to the movies on Tuesday morning, drop Lenora off to work, go get a haircut, and go back to my new home to continue to unbox. That's the tentative plan, at least.

Hmm. I forgot that I may have to work some overtime today. We'll see what happens. Won't put a cramp in my plans for tonight or tomorrow, it just means that I'll get a little less sleep. But that doesn't matter because I'm heading into the weekend, and things should be slow, especially at night. It's been a LONG time since I've had to work at night. I'm looking forward to it. Especially next month, when my shift changes again. I'll be working from 10:45pm to 7:45am. I'll be able to go in, and immediately pull out my laptop for comic related work.

Oh, and I came up with another idea yesterday as I watched Dr. Who. It needs some work, but basically it'll be about improbable things happening with ubiquitous objects. It'll be good. And Martha Jones? Excuse me. Dr. Martha Jone? That chick is beautiful. I shouldn't even call her a chick, really. I'm not usually attracted to younger women, but this one... yeah. She's just beautiful in a way that Angelina isn't. And when I say younger, I mean younger than 40. Is Salma Hayek 40? If she isn't, then she should be. Oh, the only other younger one that comes to mind is Serena Williams. Yeah. I'm gonna need a cold shower soon...

Anyway, the idea. Yeah. I know what I want to do with it, and it'll work. I just need to flesh it out some more.

Oh! I was reading Popular Science yesterday, and finished a thought on a different story I have. I have this story in a particular setting, and I wanted it to ring true for what was going on. Well, I didn't feel it was really doing that, so the story felt weak to me. This was basically because of the setting. When it gets read, I don't want it to be torn apart because my science was bad. Well, now I can finish it, because my science is now good! My science is good, AND it works with my setting. It doesn't get better than that, really.

Did I mention that I can't wait to start working nights? I have SO much writing to do!

Okay, Lenora should have the keys soon. I'll be seeing my new place again either tonight or tomorrow (depending on if I have to work late or not). I still have to get ready for work, doing such mundane stuff as packing my lunch, showering, getting dressed... I'd rather be moving, but that's just me. The sooner we start, the sooner it's over with.

Be good out there.


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